Your Donation


We would like to recruit for the following volunteering opportunities in MTCT.
If you are interested please respond by emailing Grainne Jennings Director at [email protected] indicating which role you are interested in and including an up to date CV and cover letter.

What are the challenges we face?

While our organisation can provide our group with the opportunity to attain recognised educational qualifications, it can be challenging to provide support in areas such as soft skills and practical experience of a workplace and its culture. A mentor in the form of a Career Coach could provide invaluable support and insights for Participants in the areas of:

  • Communication Skills
  • Career Path Advice
  • Teamwork Skills
  • Presentation Skills.
What could a mentor offer to address this?
  • CV and cover letter preparation
  • Workplace tours – to enable the mentee to experience the workplace culture
  • Interview skills sessions
  • Encouragement
  • Career path advice
  • Advice on how to enter into a particular field
  • Monthly informal meetings
  • Share their own experiences and insights
How will the Matt Talbot Community Trust support you and facilitate successful mentor/mentee relationships?

The Matt Talbot Community Trust will endeavour to support both the mentor and the mentee at all stages of the programme. Each mentor and mentee will have a designated contact within the organisation who will be available to support them in their undertaking of the programme.

Individuals who wish to become Career Coaches with the Matt Talbot Community Trust will be fully supported throughout the programme and will be fully briefed on the specific needs of the individual they will mentor. It’s a great opportunity to get involved with us!

For more information on all volunteering opportunities,

please contact

Grainne Jennings


[email protected]

How to Leave a Legacy

It’s so easy to leave a gift in your will – There are 4 simple ways:

At Matt Talbot we work with adults who face a multitude of challenges and barriers to exit poverty into employment that is meaningful and sustainable.

The difference a gift can make to transform someone’s life

For each year that we are able to maintain and continue our support to an individual in education, it increases their earning capacity by 10 percent. Supporting a lone parent to continue their education to degree level will mean that they have the ability to earn forty percent more than someone without a degree. This means that their children are more likely to remain in education longer and they can exit poverty forever.

Your legacy gift will give us the ability to continue to evolve and develop our educational model supporting not only the individual but the family and wider community to break the cycle of poverty. What a powerful legacy to leave behind.

How Can You help MTCT

It’s so easy to leave a gift in your will. We are also here to help you decide which way is most beneficial and convenient for you if you are considering legacy gifting. MTCT are also members of My Legacy so you know that you are in capable hands when you reach out to us for support in this area

There are four ways in which you can leave a gift

1. Pecuniary Gift

You can choose to leave a fixed sum of money, also known as a pecuniary gift.
You can choose any amount you like but it is worth remembering that if you do decide to leave this type of gift, it is important to review it from time to time as inflation can reduce its value.


• I give to Matt Talbot Community Trust of Rear of The Assumption Church, Kylemore Road, Dublin 10 Charity Registration Number: 9616 the sum of €___ [amount in words] for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

2. Residuary Gift

The residue is what is left after any specific or pecuniary gifts have been made from the estate and all expenses and taxes have been paid. A residuary gift is usually a share in the residue. The gift may be on trust (i.e. have conditions attached) or absolute. This can also be a percentage of what is left over once loved ones are provided for or it can be any percentage you choose. As this gift is a proportion of your estate it keeps pace with inflation.


I give to Matt Talbot Community Trust of Rear of the Assumption Church, Kylemore Road, Ballyfermot Dublin 10 Charity Registration Number: 9616 __% [proportion of residue in words] for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

3.Specific Item

You can also choose to leave a particular item to Matt Talbot Community Trust, such as a piece of jewellery, an antique or even a property. A gift like this should be named in your Will.


I give to Matt Talbot Community Trust of Rear of the Assumption Church, Kylemore Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10, Charity Registration Number: 9616 [description of item(s)] absolutely for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

4.Codicil to a Will

You can either make a codicil to your existing will or make a new will. Both require your signature and the signatures of two witnesses. You can have a solicitor write your codicil for you, or you can make one yourself. However, in most cases it makes more sense just to make a new will.

For your convenience you can download the Codicil Form